‘THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NJ’ RECAP: More trouble in the Garden State

Jacqueline Laurita shows some raw emotion in the first scene of this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. I am sure the parents of teenage girls can appreciate Jacqueline’s hysterical tears and sobbing rants over whether her daughter hates her. The sadder part is that even with coaxing from her biological father, Ashley is refusing to apologize to her mother and diffuse the situation.
Jacqueline now reconsiders trying to talk Ashley out of moving to California; having her daughter across the country is sounding better and better. Well, her wish comes true when Ashley announces at the end of the episode that she will be moving to California in the spring. Things escalate again to the point that Ashley is thrown out of the house. Maybe this is the only way to give Ashley a real dose of reality.
Another person who isn’t particularly pleased with Ashley is Caroline’s daughter, Lauren. Ashley neglects to work on a T-shirt for Lauren’s new business. While Lauren is giving tough love to Ashley by letting her know that she has let her down, you cannot help but see that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Do we have a second radio show host on our hands? At just 23 years old, Lauren appears to have the ability to give unsolicited advice in a very constructive way, just like her mother, Caroline.
OK, enough about Ashley, who I might add is not even a housewife.
Teresa’s life has become a little more public, if that is possible after being on a hit reality TV show. She appears in the paper when her husband allegedly owes $260,000 to a former business partner. Teresa stands by her man like a good Italian wife (ahem!), using the opportunity to dig other heritages that would have run from their marriages if there were money problems. You either love or hate her opinionated rants.
Melissa Gorga is still stirring the pot, always disguised in her Jesus-loving innocence. She shares with Kathy Wakile, just minutes before all of Kathy’s guests arrive at her Goddess party, that Teresa does not like Kathy’s husband. Melissa continues the tattling by saying that Teresa believes Kathy’s husband has the “hots” for her.
Oh, and Melissa doesn’t even wait for Kathy’s daughter to leave the room. When Teresa arrives, she shows her disdain for Kathy and her husband by showing up beyond fashionably late, insulting the food and fighting with her sister-in-law. Wow, tensions are flaring … until Kathy introduces the belly dancers. Then it’s just a bunch of housewives shaking their behinds.
By Bear Adams / TV Columnist / Bear@HollywoodSoapbox.com-
The Real Housewives of New Jersey
Bravo, Mondays at 10 p.m.
Click here for more information.
Great article bear!! I loved the episode but disdain Ashley!!! She is such a freeloader and seriously when is one of her parents going to suspend her texting plan because you know they pay for her cell phone bill… That will get her to have some respect real quick!!! The girl is never not texting… Ashleys cell phone is also not a housewife but it gets a lot of airtime I must say.