REVIEW: ‘Queen of the Deuce’ examines the life of Chelly Wilson

Photo: Chelly Wilson is the subject of the new documentary Queen of the Deuce. Photo courtesy of the Wilson Family / Provided by Greenwich Entertainment with permission.

Chelly Wilson lived a most remarkable life. She was born in Greece and eventually moved to the United States, where she set up her life in Midtown Manhattan, becoming known as the “Queen of the Deuce.” This moniker was given to her because of the pornographic theaters she ran and operated around 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue in New York City. She was also a beloved Jewish grandmother (who still celebrated Christmas) and devoted herself to the local Greek community. She married men but was openly gay, and she held court in her Midtown apartment, allowing friends, family and loved ones to come and go as they pleased.

Wilson’s life is the subject of a new documentary called Queen of the Deuce, directed by Valerie Kontakos, who co-wrote the script with Despina Pavlaki. The movie is now playing in theaters and VOD, thanks to Greenwich Entertainment.

The film is a time capsule, offering viewers the rare chance to experience Midtown Manhattan’s infamous sex district from a different vantage point. Wilson ran her business in a most unique way, never passing judgment on the films that would play her theaters or the clientele who would stop by for a viewing. But although the documentary is billed as a behind-the-scenes look at this salacious world in the 1970s and 1980s, in fact, the film finds its heart in retelling Wilson’s extraordinary story as an immigrant to the United States, her escape from the rise of fascism in Europe, her love of Greek culture, her admiration for her family and the many friends who orbited her life.

In archival footage, Wilson is seen in her glory, sitting or lounging on a couch in her walkup apartment (located right above one of her theaters) and being the center of attention and conversation, welcoming visitors and making everyone laugh. She seems to have had a big heart and a big personality.

The context of Wilson’s life is described by her friends and family members, including two daughters. They explain their mother’s journey and detail several revealing anecdotes from their formative years. There is certainly mentioning of the unusual family business, often with a few chuckles at its X-rated content, but honestly Wilson approached the industry solely as a business venture. She capitalized on the burgeoning sexual revolution and, again, never passed judgment on people’s desires.

Wilson was a smart businesswoman during a time when women were often cut out of real estate ventures in New York City, but unfortunately this side of the story largely goes untold in the film and would have added some needed context. Eventually Wilson took her theater successes and branched out, buying and running a Greek restaurant, which became a watering hole for celebrities and bigwigs alike.

Queen of the Deuce is a telling and introspective look at one woman’s pursuit of the American dream. Wilson took a unique path to achieve that dream, and she wasn’t always accepted or met with favor. But the memories of Wilson are mostly positive ones because she surrounded herself with family and friends, giving out love and support whenever she could … no matter what was playing on the screen down below.

By John Soltes / Publisher /

Queen of the Deuce (2024). Directed by Valerie Kontakos. Written by Kontakos and Despina Pavlaki. Now playing in theaters and VOD, courtesy of Greenwich Entertainment. Rating: ★★★½ Click here for more information.

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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