INTERVIEW: Grandpa John Schnabel readies for season finale of ‘Gold Rush’

Gold Rush, the top-rated show for Discovery Channel, has amazed viewers for several seasons. Charting the travails of gold miners hellbent on success amid dangerous conditions, the reality series has become a staple of the network and made household names of several of its stars.
Parker Schnabel, one of the youngest miners on the show, deals in gold that is quite impressive for someone not too far into his 20s. During a recent season in the Klondike, he pulled in more than 1,000 ounces, worth approximately $1.4 million.
Parker garners a lot of attention, but a crowd favorite is his 95-year-old grandfather, John Schnabel, or Grandpa John. He’s a veteran of the family business and also someone who recently dealt with a diagnosis of cancer.
Both Parker and John will be featured on the two-hour season finale of Gold Rush, which begins 9 p.m. Friday, March 6 on Discovery. The pre-show, known as The Dirt, kicks off at 8 p.m. Here’s what Grandpa John had to say about his first time on The Dirt: “This was my first time, and it was a very pleasant and uplifting experience to be able to express my appreciation to the fans worldwide for all the letters I received telling me how they were affected by the relationship between my grandsons and family. Some were so touching that I shed tears.”
Recently, Hollywood Soapbox exchanged emails with Grandpa John about his life and time on the show.
Happy 95th birthday! How does it feel to be 95?
To reach 95 and still be able to drive myself in my car, walk without a cane, and be clear of mind, with my surroundings and others is an experience that is hard to believe. I am deeply pleased.

On the show, you mentor your grandson Parker in the business. Why is it important to pass on this profession?
It never came to mind that Parker could have a future in mining until he was 16. I decided to give up mining after I was diagnosed with cancer, and he asked me if he could continue operating the mine. Although I had a few misgivings, I finally gave in and helped him with paperwork and financing to give him a start. He has measured up in all areas, and I am proud of him.
How did you first get started in this business?
I got into mining due to health reasons. After a triple bypass surgery on my heart, the doctors informed me that I could relapse in less than 10 years if I did not come out of retirement and have physical activity every day. Since I still owned the mining claim ground, I elected to see if I could become competent and relearn the values in the ground that I could recover.
It was announced that you were diagnosed with cancer. How are you doing now?
After a four-year struggle with various drugs, I was declared totally free of cancer, which enabled me to crawl out of the pit and take an interest in life and others again.
What’s the best thing about mining for gold?
The best thing about mining is the feeling of challenge and success, and the way my body health was restored.
What’s the worst thing about mining for gold?
To me there was a feeling of regret. However, the wilderness environment and the magnificent scenery crowded out any thoughts of disappointment.
By John Soltes / Publisher /
We are pleased to find out the Grandpa John wasn’t passed away. Parker would be lost with that man in his life. Jack Hoffman is a great teacher to his son and the men he works with.
How is Grsandpa John Schnabel? has is cancer really been cured?
So happy to see John Schnabel on the first episode of Gold Rush. He is such an inspiration and a happy, positive and happy individual. He reminds me so much of my late father who passed in 2009 that watching John brings many layers of joy! We wish him the best of health and many more great times mining with Parker. We wish you both nothing but the best things in life.Donna & Gary Brown, Lapeer, Michigan
Hi Parker u are the best and hardest worker that I and my wife have ever seen. We have been Whatchin u for a long time and love u and your grandfather. I have been a operater all my life I started whi I was a 11 years old and have all ways loved it. I have been mechanic on all types of equipment. I would give all that I have to be with u at this time to work with you. But I can’t so I will look at you on Tv. So look at you soon. By do. Now. Wendell Tarr
we enjoy gold rush we don’t like Todd Hoffman he thinks he is better then anyone else we turn the channel when he comes on I am glad grandpa is still with us God bless each and everyone