INTERVIEW: Five for Fighting plots summer tour with Barenaked Ladies
Photo: Five for Fighting, aka John Ondrasik, will head out for a month this summer with Barenaked Ladies. Photo courtesy of Nikolai Puc Photography / Provided by 37 Media with permission.
Five for Fighting, also known as John Ondrasik, has a busy summer this year, joining the Barenaked Ladies on an extensive tour that runs June 28 to July 22. Interwoven with the tour, Ondrasik will also offer some headlining shows, according to press notes, including a July 2 gig in Charleston, South Carolina, and a July 23 concert in Interlochen, Michigan.
Fans can expect many of the hit tunes that put Five for Fighting on the musical map, including the beloved “Superman (It’s Not Easy),” “100 Years” and “The Riddle,” among many others. Ondrasik has had quite the career performing as Five for Fighting, offering the world six studio albums, two of which went platinum. He continues to receive radio-play for these tunes, and he even brings them around the world for his charitable and philanthropic work. For example, he recently released “Can One Man Save the World?,” which he performs with The Ukrainian Orchestra; it’s a song he was inspired to compose because of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Recently Hollywood Soapbox exchanged emails with Five for Fighting to talk about the summer and what’s it like to perform after the COVID-19 cancellations. Questions and answers have been slightly edited for style.
What can your fans expect from the summer tour with Barenaked Ladies?
Hopefully a little piece of life. We will certainly play songs like “Superman” and “100 Years,” but we also have a tradition of playing at least one song that recognizes our troops and military families. I look forward to playing my new song “Can One Man Save the World?,” along with the audio from the Ukrainian Orchestra, that we filmed in the rubble of the Antonov airport, outside of Kyiv, last year. It’s a family show, so bring the kids, the grandparents, and we will all go back to the future!
Before you head on the road for a month, what’s going through your mind? Nervousness? Excitement?
After the pandemic, I think both musicians and audiences have a new appreciation for the communal experience of live music. We are excited and grateful to perform every night, and nothing is taken for granted. I know the guys and I are raring to go and hang with BNL, Del Amitri and all the fans.
What was it like getting back on stage after the pandemic cancellations?
Joy, relief and gratitude!
You have dedicated a lot of time and resources to charity and humanitarian fundraising. Why is this an important part of your life?
One of the blessings of having popular music is that you can use those songs and platforms to benefit causes close to your heart. I have been honored to support multiple veteran-related causes with my pal Gary Sinise and his foundation, as well as ALS, Autism and other charities. More recently I have embedded with various NGO’s rescuing Americans and allies from Afghanistan and performing humanitarian aid in Ukraine. I have met heroic Americans doing incredible work, and they inspire me every day.
Do you believe music can help heal the world?
I know it can. I have seen music make miracles. What kind of world do you want? Music has a big part of answering that question both as individuals, and as nations. Look at Live Aid, Sun City and the Concert for N.Y. I believe passionately that it is now time for this generation of artists to speak loudly for those fighting for freedom and basic human rights. For example, the proceeds from the “Can One Man Save the World? w The Ukrainian Orchestra” video go to “Save Our Allies” to continue their amazing efforts. Every one of us has a song to sing, a role to play.
Are you amazed at the continued success of your six studio albums and their various hit songs?
I still pinch myself when I hear one of my songs on the radio or in the airport. If you would have told me 20 years ago that these songs would still have a place in the culture and impact so many who were not even born when I wrote them … I never would have believed it. I am incredibly fortunate.
By John Soltes / Publisher /
Five for Fighting will tour with Barenaked Ladies this summer. Click here for more information and tickets.