INTERVIEW: Everyone wants to know the identity of ‘The Black Ghost’

Image courtesy of comiXology / Provided by Superfan Promotions with permission.

The Black Ghost, a creator-owned comic book from comiXology, has recently released its second issue, and fans are chomping at the bit to find out the identity of the title character. That’s also the mission of Lara Dominguez, the journalist at the center of the narrative.

In the five-issue miniseries, Dominguez is hunting down this masked activist, but along the way, she needs to confront corruption in her hometown and her own personal demons.

The comic is the brainchild of Alex Segura and Monica Gallagher, co-creators of the Lethal Lit podcast. George Kambadais provides art, with Ellie Wright as the colorist.

Recently Hollywood Soapbox exchanged emails with Segura and Gallagher about the new project. Questions and answers have been slightly edited for style.

How do you two collaborate as writers? How is the workload shared?

Segura: It’s a  pretty even split — Monica and I brainstorm a plot, then we take turns breaking it into pages and editing each other’s work, then dive into the script once the art comes in. We work ‘Marvel style’ — which means we send George [Kambadais] a detailed page breakdown with dialogue and action interspersed, then we write up a lettering script based on his art. We’ve gotten so used to working together that it feels more organic this way, and really allows George to ‘direct’ the comic and figure out the camera angles and style he wants to see.

Gallagher: We go back and forth on pretty much everything, to the point where it’s hard to tell which bits are Alex’s and which are mine! Which is a super fun way to work, and allows for a lot of freedom with plot, storytelling and dialogue. Working with George was wonderful in letting him have free reign over layout and design within the context of the page. I hadn’t worked with anyone that way before, and it was a fantastic way for him to own his part of our story.

Image courtesy of comiXology / Provided by Superfan Promotions with permission.

Did anything specific inspire this story?

Segura: I think it came from Monica and I wanting to work together again, and to take a stab at writing a comic in that same mystery/crime space as Lethal Lit, but with a more adult protagonist and setting. I grew up reading books like Daredevil, Batman and so on — more street-level heroes dealing with personal problems and far from invincible. So that appealed to me. I also liked the idea of bringing a private eye sensibility to a comic book hero, so we see them struggle and try to claw their way back, instead of just being this alpha-male, unbeatable powerhouse.

Gallagher: It was a mixture of interests and influences motivated by how great a time we had collaborating on Lethal Lit — kind of a fun experiment like, could we write this together? How about noir? How about vigilante noir with a complex female lead? We’re both interested in character-driven stories set in cities that have their own personality, so it evolved into a perfect blend of our interests for a new series.

Do you feel that The Black Ghost offers commentary on today’s society?

Segura: I think so, yes, but not in an overt, preachy way. We talk about gentrification, we talk about the perils of addiction, and we put a spotlight on how media is changing — but all of that is secondary to telling an engaging, memorable story. But for my money, the best crime fiction is all about social commentary, so we needed to reflect back on the world where this story happens, otherwise it’d just feel very sterile and paint by numbers.

Gallagher: Absolutely, it touches on the different ways people feel compelled to help (or not help) and get involved in their communities, and how that can affect them on every level. I was especially attracted to the idea of a character who felt the call to action before she really was ready to answer it, and all the messiness that ensues!

Image courtesy of comiXology / Provided by Superfan Promotions with permission.

Are you amazed at the continued success of the Lethal Lit podcast?

Segura: I am! We put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into that show, and we were so honored to have the chance to co-write and co-create the first season. It holds a special place for both of us. We love those characters, and it means a lot that they resonate with people.

Gallagher: Nope — haha. It was an amazing project that a lot of talented people put hard work into — I would’ve been shocked if it hadn’t resonated with anyone! And selfishly I had such a blast working on it, it will always hold very fond memories for me.

Would you like to continue The Black Ghost beyond these five issues?

Segura: Definitely. We have a rough idea for another arc, and I think that’s just the beginning!

Gallagher: Absolutely, Alex and I have the next 10 books planned out! OK maybe not that much, but it’s been such a blast chilling in Creighton with Lara, I’m sure it wouldn’t take us too long. 😉

By John Soltes / Publisher /

The Black Ghost issue #2 is now available from comiXology. Click here for more information.

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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