INTERVIEW: Dr. Pol looks back at 2019, ahead at 2020
Photo: Dr. Jan Pol shares a moment with Copper the horse. Photo courtesy of National Geographic Channels/Rory Blackmon / Provided by press site with permission.
The Incredible Dr. Pol, the reality series starring veterinarian Dr. Jan Pol, has been offering many life lessons over the past eight years on Nat Geo Wild. Many viewers have been able to identify with the issues faced by pet owners who seek Pol’s help at his Michigan clinic. Whether it’s watching one’s pet undergo exploratory surgery or the difficult decision to euthanize a beloved animal to spare them further pain, the real-life dramas faced by dogs, cats, cows and exotic pets are an everyday occurrence for Pol and his team.
These dramas also make Pol’s life unpredictable and quite busy.
“Always emergencies,” Pol said in a recent phone interview. “In fact, I just talked to an old couple with a very old dog that is 16-17 years old and now basically has had a stroke and has to be put down, so that’s going to be very hard for everybody.”
When Pol talked over the phone from his clinic, there was an air of controlled chaos. He grabbed the receiver to discuss his life and profession for a few minutes, but no doubt his mind was focused on the patients at hand. He has dedicated his life to prolonging the happiness of animals, and the highs are still enjoyable, ditto for the lows being quite difficult to bear.
“When you’ve had pets yourself and you have them for that long and then you have to let them go,” he said, “that is very hard.”
Pol works almost nonstop at his clinic, which has hours Monday through Friday and someone on call on the weekends. Because this rural area of Michigan doesn’t have any emergency clinics nearby, Pol’s practice receives a lot of attention from the surrounding neighborhoods.
“So, yes, we work,” he said. “It’s been good, let’s say it that way. Trying to help animals has always been my major thing and not turning animals away if they are in dire need of help.”
During this holiday season, when Nat Geo Wild is running back-to-back episodes of The Incredible Dr. Pol for 12 days straight, pets sometimes face unique difficulties in the home. With so much candy and chocolate around the kitchen and under the Christmas tree, it’s no wonder veterinarians like Pol are booked up solid.
“The dog gets a box of vitamins for Christmas, and [the owners] leave it underneath the tree,” Pol said as one example. “So the next morning they call, ‘The dog ate all the vitamins! What can we do?’ The dogs get into something that is left behind, in reach of the animals. It all depends what it is and how soon, but lately we’ve seen also dogs get in the stash of people, since marijuana is legal here. These dogs are just chilling out real good.”
And on the issue of dogs eating chocolate, Pol said that’s not exactly an urban legend. An excess of the sugary goodness can prove fatal for some pets.
“It all depends how much,” he said. “If you eat 2 pounds of chocolate I don’t think you feel good either, so it all depends how much they eat and what kind. … If they eat a couple pieces of chocolate peanut butter or whatever, no, that’s not going to kill them. It may cause diarrhea. Sometimes they throw up, but if you leave all the chocolates unattended that came with Christmas or with Halloween, and they are eating a couple pounds, yes, definitely make him throw up and get rid of it.”
When Pol has to sit down with a family and talk about different medical options for a pet, often the first item that comes up is the cost of surgery and other veterinary care. Pet ownership can be costly, and Pol is attuned to the financial restraints put upon families with beloved animals in the home or on the farm.
Viewers should not think that Pol is simply professional when dealing with animals; he’s a pet owner himself and always has been. Recently his dog went through a surgery scare as well.
“About four weeks ago, my old dog, the old black Newfoundland that we have, I noticed that she was not doing good, and for the last couple of months, I’ve been feeling her belly,” he said. “Then we had to go to Canada to my niece, and when we came back, we had this gut feeling. And I felt down there, and there’s a big lump. So we took an x-ray, and it turned out she had a splenic tumor. So four weeks ago we took the whole splenic tumor out, and so far she’s doing good. … Most of the time when we have a dog that has a splenic tumor, we see it when something [bad] happens, and the thing is broke. And the blood and the pieces are through the whole abdominal cavity, and then there’s really not much you can do. In this case, it was still contained in the spleen, and I got the whole thing out. … I’m still taking x-rays again in a little while and doing more bloodwork, but this has been four weeks. I’m just holding my breath to see how long we have.”
With so many episodes of The Incredible Dr. Pol on TV this holiday season, it’s almost impossible to get away from the good doctor and his practice. Even Pol and his wife, Diane, watch the adventures that the team encounters on a daily basis.
“Last night we were watching a little bit, and Diane said, ‘That’s an old one. Look at this, you don’t even have as many wrinkles as you have now,'” Pol said with a hearty laugh. “This show has been going on for eight years now, and it’s amazing that they do this. For me, I don’t sit and binge-watch the whole thing, but many people do it seems like. It’s, for me, unbelievable that this show became so popular, but I think the main thing is that what the people are looking for is reality, not made up for TV. And that’s what we show. In the show, I had to put my own dog down. I didn’t want to have it filmed, but Charles [his son] says to me, ‘Dad, other people are filmed. Why not you? You’re a pet owner, and it shows that pets do not outlive humans many times.’ It’s real, and I think this is what attracts people to this show. Nothing is made up for TV, and I think that’s what makes the show so popular.”
For the new year, Pol hopes everything goes fine for his four-legged patients, which include cats, dogs, birds, many farm animals and exotic species as well. He hopes that whatever walks through the door will present itself with a solvable problem.
“We cannot save every animal,” Pol admitted. “Yes, it’s hard, but we help the people. I live the golden rule: I treat others like I want to be treated.”
By John Soltes / Publisher /
The Incredible Dr. Pol is currently being showcased in a 12-day marathon on Nat Geo Wild. Click here for more information.
How many vets on staff?
Great story!!! I love Dr. Pol. I have been watching him for years. Will miss Dr. Emily and her family. She has been wonderful on the show with her husband and children. Dr Pols family is a family you want living next door to you. I hope to travel up that way to possibly meet them. You wrote a great article on them. Keep writing. Great work!!!
I lived in MI not far from Doc Pol. He was my vet for my horse. He is exactly what you see on TV. I love Doc Pol. He really does care. My son brought me a rescue horse that was at death’s door. I called doc he came over wasn’t sure he could save him but he did. He never sent us a bill. He knew it was a rescue and we were not rich by any means. My son was able to find a fantastic home for the horse after we got him built back up and in good condition. I love Doc Pol and we rarely miss a show.
Dr Emily is leaving???? Why????
I have seen every episode from the beginning. I’m a big fan!
Her family is moving to the southeast – one of the Carolinas I think
I enjoy watching Dr Pol. For as old as he is he still has a lot of spunk left in him, he is definitely still able to take care of animals regardless their size. He has a great staff to help him out too. It’s amazing how many people world wide know who he is. Its a good show and I hope it stays on for several more years.
I didn’t know Dr Emily is leaving. She will be missed alot.
Yes she going to be missed. I love her. I’d take my animals to her if I could.
Is Dr Brenda and Emily still with the Pol Practice?
Dr. Brenda yes, Dr. Emily no for months. I was sorry to see her go too, but people move on.
Love watching Dr. Pol with I lived close so I could have home care for our animals!!!!!!
Love this wonderful Dutch-born doctor and his family and staff. i have really enjoyed tge 12 Days of Pol and am anxious for a new season.
I just love the whole Pol family. He’s a great vet,and so caring and compassionate.

So happy for Charles and Beth and
their beautiful baby girl.
Dr Benda is wonderful. I will miss Dr Emily.
Thanks to Diane Sr and Jr for all they do.
Happy,healthy New Year to all!
I enjoyed the interview. I also enjoy the show. And 2020 is very product for Dr Pol and his team.
We love watching Dr. Pol an the rest of the team. Dr. Brenda works hard and so does Dr. Emily. They care about the animals an owners. You don’t see them turn people an their pets down. The genuinely care. Looking forward to the new season.
I’ve been watching Dr. Pol for yrs ! I just wished I had a Dr Pol here where I live! I’m looking forward to seeing the new season
. With Dr. Pol , Diane, Brenda , ,and the rest of the staff, and CONGRATULATIONS to Charles and his wife on the baby announcement!!
Love, Love,Love the show ! Going to miss Dr. Emily !!
Ive been binge watching the 12 days series. Such a wonderful family!
Love the show ! Going to miss Dr. Emily !!
Ive been binge watching the 12 days series. Such a wonderful family!
Love Dr. Pol and all the staff! Wonder how Dr’s ankle feels after the surgery. Are these 2020 shows from before or after that surgery?
I love Dr. Pol. Someday I’ll get to know from México City.
We love watching Dr Pol’s shows so much that our TV is programmed to record each episode. We live on a small ranch in Florida wth cows and horses. Dr. Pol and his staff are truly amazing. We learn something new each time we watch the show. Thank you Dr. Pol
Doctor pol is a WOnderful man. I love the show. It does not matter how many times I have seen San episode.
Charles is a big part of the show also.
He has a big heart also. Great family.
Thank you
I love watching Dr. Pol and his whole team. I watch every time I get the chance. So happy Charles and Beth have a new baby! I truly miss Dr. Emily. She has such a wonderful sense of humor, not to mention she’s a wonderful vet! I hope her replacement is as great a vet as she is. I hope her new employment is as rewarding as PVS was to her! Beat wishes for all!
The show is amazing, For a reality program Dr. Pol is more than the reality is actual life events. Thank you for sharing you and your family, I feel like I’ve met all of you.
Shirley Laurro
January 2,2020
I watched Dr. Pol from the start of his t.v. show. He is the best Vet ever. love his wife Diana, she is a tremendous help working along side of Dr. Pol. He brought many of his ideas from his country Holland.
We will miss Dr. Emily very much! Dr. Brenda is awesome, love her too.
Congratulation to Charles and his lovely wife and their beautiful baby. You’re a great son!
Everyone involved working together at his practice. We have watched every week and weekends, that he is on. We learn so much, Dr. Pol is a very God gifted veterinarian.
I have been watching Dr Pol for years it’s one of my favorite shows on tv!
I love his family & vets who help him we have come to enjoy just as much especially Dr Brenda!
I’m so thankful Dr Pol does the show & thrilled for Charles & Beth baby girl Abigail you all feel like family
God bless you all
I’ve been a faithful watcher and fan of the Pol Vet Svcs. show and yes I’ve been binge watching through the holidays, nothing else to do really til my Sr. group starts back up on Monday 5th. But it seems every time I watch, I see something I missed before! Gonna really miss Dr. Emily and her 3 kids and hubby, but hey she’s right up the road from me here in VA now so I’m good with that! Wish I could have her as a Vet but no need now, my hearts’ done, no more pets for me, I can’t take any more. Put my 9th down in 2013 after 20 or so, no more. 65, I’m done. Love the show, can’t wait for the new season! Congrats again on Abigail’s birth!
I’ve enjoyed the 12 Days of Pol this year, as I did last year. Great company to have before Christmas, with long hours in the kitchen, baking. And now with the post-Christmas cleaning. This year’s run has me pondering two things:
1) I’m distressed by how many cats actually get shot in Michigan. What kind of person does that?
2) Doc Pol LOVES driving fast – no matter where he’s going. Has he ever had a speeding ticket?
Doc – and all the vets and staff at Pol Veterinary Services – thanks for keeping it real.
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Dr Pol, Charles, Dr Brenda and Dr Emily and the others over the last few years and feel like I have learned so much about animals from them all. Thanks so much for the show.
I love Dr. Pol’s show! I. Binge watch and can watch the shows over and over!
My dad was a primary care Physician> Every time I watch Dr. Pol, I think of my dad. He had the same work ethic and was also always available for his patients. He was old school, and would even make house calls. He delivered over 5000 babies in his career, and liked taking care of the pregnant mother, the baby and the whole family. Like Dr. Pol, he was extremely well loved in his community. I love the show, all those involved, and the family atmosphere of the clinic. I worked for my dad for 17 years before II went back to school to become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Thank you for being all of you, and for being rock solid Christians. You are the salt of the earth!
Love the show!! I binge watch and I kind of enjoy the close ups of the large animals butts. I have a suggestion for the Pol Clinic: You guys would might want to open a satellite office. You won’t have to drive as far all the time and it would take the patient load off of you. You all work so hard- that’s not good!
My husband and I were in Michigan in Sept. for his Military reunion, I wanted to stop and see Dr. Pol, his wife, Diane, Charles and his staff. What a wonderful man! His wife, son and everyone else were so accommodating ! I have not turned the TV off since his show began. Love his show!
I, too, love the show and have introduced my three grandchildren to it. We all discuss procedures and the many animals that are treated by the wonderful staff.
I was wondering if Dr. Pol’s ankle has improved since surgery?
Happy 2020 and God bless you all.
Did you see where Doc and Mrs were talking about retirement and she said he was going to die with his arm up a cow’s butt?
My T.V. is also set on the DVR to tape all of The Incredible Dr. Pol series. I recently told a friend.. “I think I could pull a calf after watching Dr. Pol do it so many times!” Not that I want to though!! Blessings to all at Dr. Pols.. Including Dr. Emily who must be gone!! Every person on the show has made it such a “fun addiction!” Thanks to ALL in the POL SHOW!!
It is nice to watch Dr Pol even there in Serbia . Dr Jan has energy of a teenager and it is fun to watch rural, real life US of A without shiny Hollywood teeths. Keep going Dr Pol!
Velmi radi sledujeme tento serial je fascinujuce kolko energie maju pri tejto praci obdivujeme a pozdravujeme cely personal kliniky a prajeme vela zdravia rodina Soltesova Slovenska republika
I am bilingual and it is sometimes anoying to hear english and french dialogues overlap. Subtitles would be so much better. But I am addicted to the show. In fact, I do not consider it as a show.
What a wonderful article and what a wonderful person Dr. Pol is!! I love my horses and this show. It is not only super interesting, but also informative!
My daughter is in school now after getting her masters in bio technology she is working on her dvm. She said do pol has probably forgotten things that new vets will never know.