DVD GRAB BAG: Game on for season five of Felicia Day’s ‘The Guild’

Hollywood Soapbox’s DVD Grab Bag is an ongoing series that highlights a wide variety of DVDs available in the market.
There are many self-proclaimed Internet phenomena out there. Many of them are quite successful, latching onto the public’s need for creative, original content via the web. Few have earned the success of The Guild, Felicia Day’s comedy series about a motley crew of gamers.
For those who’d like to relive the adventures of the Guildies over and over again, check out The Guild’s fifth season, now available on DVD. The entire season lasts only 96 minutes (thanks for the brevity!) and is spread across 12 episodes. Day and her comrades leave their computers behind and head on a road trip to MegaGame-O-RamaCon, an obvious satire of the wide network of conventions that have spread like wildfire across the United States.
The assembled cast includes Vincent Caso (Bladezz), Jeff Lewis (Vork), Amy Okuda (Tinkerballa), Sandeep Parikh (Zaboo) and Robin Thorsen (Clara). Additional guest stars in season five include Erin Gray, Nathan Fillion, Wil Wheaton and Brent Spiner. And, yes, Star Trek fans will likely get a kick out of The Guild.
If you haven’t jumped aboard the Guildies’s bandwagon, consider yourself informed of this original web series that can now be enjoyed on the DVD player.
By John Soltes / Publisher / John@HollywoodSoapbox.com
The Guild: Season Five
Created by Felicia Day
Running time: 96 minutes
Not Rated