‘Attack the Block’ is filled with alien-invasion goodness

Attack the Block, the new independent sci-fi movie from Great Britain, is a treasure trove for genre lovers. Much like Shaun of the Dead, the film spins a yarn that is hilariously apocalyptic, yet seriously well made. This is the little movie that could. It dares to pay tribute to the sci-fi genre, and thank the heavens for its wit, its creature effects and its ability to keep the audience invigorated.
Written and directed by Joe Cornish, Attack the Block begins with a group of punk kids from the projects of South London attacking Sam (Jodie Whittaker from Venus), a young woman walking home to her apartment. The violent scene on a shadowy street comes crashing to a halt when an alien drops out of the sky and right onto a nearby car. The distraction gives Sam enough time to escape, and the alien gives the punk kids enough interest to investigate.
After chasing the monkey-looking extra-terrestrial onto a field, the punks dispatch of the E.T., not realizing that their actions may jump-start a global invasion.
When the gang of teenagers, headed by Moses (John Boyega in an effective performance), head back to their apartment block, they soon realize that their alien visitor was the first of many and it’s up to them to save their neighbors.
Attack the Block can be appreciated along two levels. At first, it’s often funny and the action is meant to be tongue in cheek. Nick Frost, a veteran of Shaun of the Dead, turns up as a stoner named Ron and supplies the 88-minute movie with some great laughs. However, on another level, Cornish’s film is a dedicated entry in the sci-fi genre. In many ways, Attack the Block serves as an homage to the early Steven Spielberg films like E.T. and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Audiences will see parallels with this summer’s Super 8 and even the great horror-comedy The Monster Squad. Heck, I’d even throw in Gremlins, Goonies, and, oddly enough, This is England.
At its heart (and this movie has a great big heart), Attack the Block is about kids who relish the chance to kill some alien nasties and gain some respect from the older bad influences in their life. It’s like a video game come to life, and although there is a definite level of violence and dread in the movie, these characters seem almost content with the opportunity of wreaking some havoc. Grab some weapons (even some water-guns), and take no prisoners.
The acting is all believable from the young cast, and Whittaker and Boyega stand out as consummate professionals. There’s also a finicky brilliance to Luke Treadaway’s performance as a stoned-out loner looking for some attachment in life.
Whether you dug alien-invasion flicks as a child or still dig them as an adult, Attack the Block will satisfy your cinematic urges. This little film is a real gem.
By John Soltes / Publisher / John@HollywoodSoapbox.com-
Attack the Block
Written and directed by Joe Cornish
Starring Nick Frost, Jodie Whittaker, Terry Notary, Luke Treadaway and John Boyega
Running time: 88 minutes
Rated R for creature violence, drug content and pervasive language
Click here to purchase Attack the Block on DVD.