‘ALPHAS’ REVIEW: Season One, Episode Three
Review of “Anger Management” (01:03)
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After an impressive series debut (read review here) and a not-so-hot second episode (read review here), Alphas finds its footing again with “Anger Management.”
After moving into a new office in Queens (a development that still seems underwritten), the Alphas learn of a new threat in the New York City area. A teenager apparently has the capability of shooting off invisible pheromones that cause anyone standing nearby to lash out violently. When the teen sends the violent bubbles flying in a subway car, a veritable riot breaks out and people start dropping dead.

Dr. Lee Rosen (David Strathairn) is tapped by Agent Don Wilson (Callum Keith Rennie) to see whether an Alpha was involved.
What works so well in this episode is that the Alphas actually get to use their powers to bring in the suspect. Rachel (Azita Ghanizada), who definitely seems to be the Alpha with the strongest skill, senses the pheremones in the air of the subway. Gary (Ryan Cartwright) is able to track the teenager’s whereabouts, using his natural antennae capabilities.
The teenager in questions is Tracy Beaumont, who works in league with her brother, Matthew. When the Alphas approach them at a youth hostel, another storm of pheremones erupts. Unable to capture Tracy, the Alphas are left with Matthew.
The big revelation during an intense question-and-answer session is that Tracy doesn’t have the power to send pheremones, Matthew does. Unfortunately the news comes to late, and Matthew wreaks havoc in the presence of the Alphas. The only one unaffected by the violent urges is Bill (Malik Yoba).
When the violence spreads this time, the consequences are dire. Everyone starts throwing punches; blood begins to flow; and Agent Don Wilson falls for good. The sequence was intense and surprising. I was sad to see Don go so quickly, especially since Rennie is such a great actor.
Thankfully, Alphas rebounds with episode three. The show needs to stay a cut above the rest, mostly because the concept has been done before. There is still no clear indication that the series can be completely distinguished from Heroes or even procedural dramas like Criminal Minds or Law & Order.
However, if the Syfy show continues in the direction of “Anger Management,” then the future bodes well. There are some definite mysteries that deserve exploration…
What happens at the Binghamton facility?
Will there be any new recruits to the Alphas team?
Will there be any defections?
Why does Dr. Rosen feel so passionately about these super-humans? Is he hiding anything himself?
Alphas isn’t perfect, but the show is traveling on a vertical trajectory. Let’s hope it stays that way and all memories of episode two evaporate into thin air.
By John Soltes / Publisher / John@HollywoodSoapbox.com-
Syfy, Mondays at 10 p.m.
Created by Zak Penn and Michael Karnow
Starring David Strathairn, Ryan Cartwright, Warren Christie, Azita Ghanizada, Laura Mennell, Malik Yoba and Callum Keith Rennie
Click here for more information.