INTERVIEW: Angelo Del Vecchio stars in ‘Notre Dame de Paris’

Photo: Angelo Del Vecchio stars as Quasimodo in Notre Dame de Paris. Photo courtesy of the artist / Provided by Matt Ross PR with permission.

The successful show Notre Dame de Paris recently returned to New York City for an exclusive three-week run, with performances finishing up Sunday, July 16 at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center. The musical/opera, which often uses the word “spectacular” to describe its high-energy concept, is based on the classic book by Victor Hugo, involving the story of Quasimodo, the bell-ringer of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. Original music by Richard Cocciante and Luc Plamondon is paired with Martino Müller’s choreography and high-flying acrobatics. Gilles Maheu directs the show.

For this production, which is celebrating its 25-year anniversary, Angelo Del Vecchio portrays the central character of Quasimodo. The actor, a native of Italy, first met Cocciante during a production of the composer’s Giulietta e Romeo; Del Vecchio played the part of Benvolio. From that show, Del Vecchio joined the company of Rock Revolution, according to his official biography, and he’s been with Notre Dame de Paris since 2011. Amazingly he has performed the Hugo-inspired show in three languages.

Recently Hollywood Soapbox exchanged emails with Del Vecchio to talk about the musical spectacular and what it’s like to bring Quasimodo to life every night on stage. Questions and answers have been slightly edited for style.

Before taking on the role of Quasimodo, how familiar were you with the story and character?

Notre Dame de Paris is a 25-year-old musical. I belong to the generation of kids and teenagers who have grown up listening to its songs. So, I was definitely familiar with the whole story way before taking the role of Quasimodo. I’ve been a big fan of the musical since the age of 13.Notre Dame de Paris has been my first big inspiration to become a professional performer, and I can definitely say it’s my childhood dream come true.

How physically demanding is the show?

It’s a very tough show for everyone — dancers, acrobats and singers. Each performer’s skills are 100% expressed, and there are very challenging numbers. We all need excellent physical preparation to be able to perform for several weeks. In the specific case of Quasimodo, the role combines extremely difficult songs with a big physical and mimic transformation. Personally, during these 12 years playing the role, I have developed my own technique in order to breathe and sing easily despite the uncomfortable leaning position that I have to keep during the whole show. Of course, I have a daily routine for physical training — I need a lot of cardio for improving my breathing, and a lot of work on legs and back to train my character’s movements.

What do you think this story has to say about our world in 2023?

NDDP is a universal story of human feelings, impossible love and dramatic consequences of the world’s injustice. It’s also a story about social differences, discrimination and immigration. It takes place during a crucial historical period, between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, when the world was about to change and evolve, but social and racial integration was still very retrograde. I’m afraid we still live in a similar situation nowadays. The show deals with very real subjects and is very modern, not only for its beautiful, timeless music and story.

What’s it like working with Elhaida Dani, who plays Esmeralda?

I’ve performed the show with Elhaida for seven years. She is probably the Esmeralda I have performed the most with. We have a deep and long-lasting friendship. She’s very precious to me, and I am so happy to share this part of my life with her.

I have so much to say about how wonderful she is as an artist and a human being. I am not exaggerating when I say she is one of my favorite female singers ever. I just love to hear her singing; there’s something about her voice that can heal your heart and soul. It’s hard to explain with words. She has a natural gift that came from far away, and she gives us the honor to witness so much beauty. It’s a privilege to listen to her every night, to sing with her and to play the character who falls (so easily) in love with her during the show.

This show is an international success, especially in France. Why do you think this show has struck a chord with so many spectators?

Notre Dame de Paris is something that cannot be considered as a musical. It cannot be considered as an opera either. It’s something in the middle, and when a piece of art can exist without any label and create its own category, it’s destined to be an immortal success. It’s a pop show, which is why Notre Dame is so appreciated all over the world. It’s something that can reach everyone’s feelings, through an extremely high level of artistic quality, and at the same time through an extremely simple way of communicating emotions. It’s a universal smash hit! 

What’s it like being in New York City for the summer?

I love New York City! It’s the second time I’ve performed here, once again at summertime. I like the vibe during this period of the year. I love taking my time, whenever possible, to enjoy the sun and the nice weather. I love going to the theatre by bike or jogging in Central Park, enjoying my favorite cafes or restaurants, having my little routine before the shows. I really enjoy myself here. It feels like I’m on holiday, but it would be so fascinating to come back and perform during Christmas time, too. Who knows, maybe one day!

By John Soltes / Publisher /

Notre Dame de Paris, starring Angelo Del Vecchio as Quasimodo, continues through Sunday, July 16 at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center in New York City. Click here for more information and tickets.

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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