In ‘4some,’ two couples decide to trade partners

There’s a good reason why director Jan Hrebejk’s new comedy, 4some, only runs 79 minutes: The Czech-language film has very little plot, and its characters are creations built around a gimmick. Even at 79 minutes, the movie feels too long.
Vitek (Jirí Langmajer) and Ondra (Hynek Cermák) are next door neighbors who value each other’s friendship. They take their wives on double dates and generally enjoy their jobs and the company of their children. The only thing missing from the marital paradise is exploration with another partner. It doesn’t take much time for the two hubbies to offer each other’s wives (Marie, played by Marika Sarah Procházková, and Dita, played by Viktorie Cermáková) as an option to heat up their marriages.
Coincidentally (and unbelievably), after they come to this revelation, the two couples find themselves on a beautiful Caribbean island with nothing to think about but themselves. Vitek and Ondra work during the day on a contract assignment, and when they return to their beachside cabins, they begin their extramarital adventuring.
Hrebejk, working off a script by Michal Viewegh, seems to have great respect for his characters. They come across as good people working their way through a mid-life crisis. They still love their respective spouses, but both the men and women in this foursome want to spread the love around. Why this mid-life crisis and why now are precisely the reasons why 4some never feels profound. It’s a 79-minute exercise in adults smiling, kissing and blushing. The action never leads to a larger message about society or the family construct. There is some obvious parallelism between the two couples and their children’s lives, but the connection seems pushed and superficial. Ultimately, 4some is a movie about perceived sexual freedom, and how four people decide to shake up their monotonous existences.
There are some funny scenes, especially when the plot becomes quasi-farcical. And it can be interesting to see the different reactions of each character when the topic of breaking marriage vows is brought up. But with only 79 minutes to consider these actions, there’s not much use investing attention in the movie. 4some feels as fleeting as a cinematic one-night stand … but this one is stretched out to near-feature length.
By John Soltes / Publisher /
Directed by Jan Hrebejk
Written by Michal Viewegh
Starring Jirí Langmajer, Hynek Cermák, Marika Sarah Procházková and Viktorie Cermáková
Running time: 79 minutes
Not rated